MasterBridge Online Swiss Teams Congress Information Page

MasterBridge Online Swiss Teams Congress Information Page

Preparation – before the day of the congress

  1. One member of your team needs to enter the team on the NSWBA website here:
  2. The cost of entry is $72 per team. Once the entry is submitted on NSWBA, all members of the team wil be sent an email with payment instructions, ie go to our secure payment portal
  3. Please pay your entry fee at least a few days before the congress (this makes it much easier for us)

Entering the game on the day – on Sunday 11 April

A couple of days before the Congress, you will receive an email with a link to the congress on the RealBridge website. The link won’t be active until 9:15 AM on Sunday 11 April.

RealBridge is a lot like face-to-face bridge in that you can both see and hear your partner and opponents. That means you will need to make sure you have a functioning camera and microphone on your computer or tablet. Here is a page to test your camera and mic –

If you have not had any experience playing on RealBridge, you are welcome to join one of our free trial games in the days prior to April 18. Days and times will be advertised well in advance. You might also like to glance over the Real Bridge Player Guide here –

Other information


6 x 8 board rounds with a lunch break of about 30 minutes after Round 3.

IMPs converted to Victory Points.

Round start times

You will be automatically taken to your table at the start of each round. Just like at a real life Congress, there will be a delay between rounds. Please do not log off from RealBridge during the day. If you are disconnected at any time, just log back in and you will be returned to your table.

The round start times are approximately: 10.00AM, 11.00AM, 12.00noon…. then Lunch… then 1.30PM, 2.30PM, 3.30PM

We will finish before 4.30.


Open: Yellow systems are not permitted.

Novice: only Green and Blues systems are allowed

Appropriate behaviour

The highest level of ethical behaviour is expected of all players. It is illegal for the members of a pair to communicate during a hand via any means other than chat to the full table.  Players who are found to have engaged in illicit or unauthorised communication will be the subject of disciplinary action under the NSWBA Congress Disciplinary Regulations.


You will see results of your match once both tables have completed their boards but please note these are not official. Official results will be available about 30 minutes after the last table finishes on the NSWBA website.

Hand records

We’ll be emailing out a PDF of the hand records to all players at the end of the day.